Responsabilità Aziendale



In quanto società leader, ci troviamo ad essere responsabili per la comunità all’interno della quale lavoriamo. Incoraggiamo i nostri dipendenti ad essere attivi nella comunità partecipando agli eventi di beneficenza o anche organizzando eventi speciali che vedono la nostra azienda come sponsor principale.
Crediamo fermamente nel potere di restituire e condividere l’opportunità.
Sin dall’inizio, la nostra azienda è stata coinvolta nella comunità che ci ospita e ci siamo inoltre accertati di divenire parte positiva di tale comunità.
Incoraggiamo anche i nostri clienti e partner a partecipare nelle comunità che li circondano. Dopotutto, tutti noi traiamo beneficio dalla comunità poiché ci offre risorse, dipendenti professionali, la struttura per il nostro lavoro ed il giusto ambiente in cui lavorare.
Promovendo la scolarità e la formazione professionale le aziende si accertano di avere in futuro dei dipendenti esperti e preparati, partner e concorrenti commerciali che non potranno che apportare un cambiamento positivo nel settore industriale.

Coinvolgendo i nostri dipendenti e lo staff negli eventi comunitari, rafforziamo le relazioni e promuoviamo un sano senso di comunità.
Ultimo ma non per ultimo, essere parte di una comunità felice e sana permette anche a noi di diventare più forti.
We are a global company whose employees come from many different countries, backgrounds and cultures. We believe that our diversity and the engagement of our employees are a source of strength and competitive advantage. Mutual respect and tolerance are fundamental to how we work and communicate with each other. We believe that competence, performance and potential should guide our employment-related decisions, such as hiring, retention, training opportunities and promotion. We follow the applicable employment and labour laws where we do business, including wage & hour, immigration, collective-bargaining, anti-discrimination, and similar employment rules.


Continuing to invest in conservation projects and set new targets. Building on our long history of leadership in this space, we are driving reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, water use and waste generation. For example, we achieved net positive water, sustained 80% renewable energy globally and sent about 5% of our total waste to landfill.
Committing to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations by 2040. We will do this even as we significantly expand our global operations. We are committed to increasing the energy efficiency and lowering the carbon footprint of NUCLIEX services and products, and to working with customers and industry partners to create solutions that lower the greenhouse gas footprint of the entire business ecosystem. Furthermore, through sustainable services practices and aggressive environmental targets, we are deeply committed to being good neighbours in the communities where we operate


Avoiding Conflict Of Interests, Controllership And Money Laundering Prevention, Environment, Fair Competition And Antitrust, Ethical Global Trade, Health And Safety, Human Rights, Improper Payments Prevention, Information Technology Security, Respect for The Intellectual Property and for Confidential Information are our fundamental principles that are build in in our culture. We continue to be guided by our values and our strong governance. In NUCLIEX employees act with integrity throughout our workplace, striving to maintain ethical supply chains, and promoting respect for fundamental human rights globally. You can learn more about or principles on the Code of Conduct page


At NUCLIEX, our purpose is to build world-changing technology that improves the life of all our stakeholders including but not limited to employees and local communities. We strive every day to make a positive global impact and be good corporate citizens.

Today’s challenges are many and immense. We are still struggling with a global pandemic, social injustice, wars, the detrimental effects of climate change and so much more. Against this global landscape, it is imperative that we work together as an industry to harness the power of technology and ensure it is being used as a force for good. I am extremely proud of NUCLIEX’s long-standing leadership in corporate responsibility and sustainability, including initiatives in diversity and inclusion, education, and philanthropy. Our focus helps us contribute responsible, inclusive and sustainable practices across our operations, products and supply chain. The passion and expertise of our employees, energized by our purpose, are accelerating our collective contributions to the world.

Our Corporate Responsibility outlines our progress on the 2030 goals we laid out two years ago. I am proud of our accomplishments, including:

Continuing to invest in conservation projects and set new targets. Building on our long history of leadership in this space, we are driving reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, water use and waste generation. For example, we achieved net positive water, sustained 80% renewable energy globally and sent about 5% of our total waste to landfill.

Accelerating efforts and commitment on the Alliance for Global Inclusion.

Evolving our Pandemic Response Initiative (PRI). This has now become our NUCLIEX funds projects related to healthcare, education and the economy, with dedicated work streams for social equity and human rights, accessibility and climate action. The IRI is a purpose-driven platform for action backed by a 2% net revenues commitment.

Committing to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across our operations by 2040. We will do this even as we significantly expand our global operations. We are committed to increasing the energy efficiency and lowering the carbon footprint of NUCLIEX services and products, and to working with customers and industry partners to create solutions that lower the greenhouse gas footprint of the entire business ecosystem. Furthermore, through sustainable services practices and aggressive environmental targets, we are deeply committed to being good neighbors in the communities where we operate.

Making a 2% of net revenues investment to establish education and research collaborations. Working with the international organization promoting construction of new schools in developing countries.

Maximizing existing talent while building a diverse talent pipeline across our industry. Despite talent leaving the workforce in the wake of COVID-19 and drops in higher education enrollment, our 2030 goals remain unchanged. We will work to maximize existing talent while building a diverse talent pipeline across our industry.

Driving positive impact in supply chain responsibility.

We have made incredible strides over the past years, but there is still much to do. We are just getting started.
