The NUCLIEX Group has been delivering outstanding services to our customers while building a solid business foundation amidst a challenging operating environment. My mission is to extend this trajectory into the future and turn the NUCLIEX into a leading global company.
Continuiamo ad affrontare nuove sfide nel nostro ambiente lavorativo: il ritmo e la portata dei cambiamenti sono senza precedenti.
In order to overcome these challenges, NUCLIEX has undergone an organizational transformation that includes initiatives such as globalization and restructuring. These improvements will enable us to become faster at identifying and addressing shifts in the landscape. But there is more to be done, and we remain fully committed to strengthening our capabilities and to further evolving the organization going forward.


Anticipiamo e risolviamo le sfide dei clienti con un portfolio di soluzioni per la costruzione di pozzi altamente tecnologiche.

PTS Group has over 35 years experience of delivering the highest well test and EPF solutions.

The Drilling Technologies Challenge is fundamentally tied to the performance limitations and operational costs.