Premiere Running Tool (350-550-750-1100-1250 TONS)
Designed and manufactured to meet and exceed the API BC specifications, the PRT™ can handle more weight and rotational torque, allowing us to perform more critical movements without having to stop the casing run. Rotational torque remains consistent regardless of any increases in string weight or pump pressure. Cementing and Circulating it is possible throught the Premiere CRT.
Due to the PRT’s modularity, the variety of jobs that can be run is maximized- reducing tool inventory cost. All PRTs have the ability to run 4.5” – 30” casing with the same PRT body. 36″ available upon request.
You may Drill, Cementing and Circulating through Premiere CRT!
Singlepoint of connection for hydraulic service loop- reducing rig-up time & hazards. Results in quick rig up/down time (45 min)
Patented self-cooling Swivel- once tool is set the swivel goes into circulation mode allowing for extensive rotating hours at high RPM’s.
- ID & OD CRT’s Available
- 250T, 350T, 500T, 750T, 1100T, & 1250T
- 4-1/2” – 30”
- Up to 36” has been designed
- Designed to run up to 150 RPMs
- 50,000 ft/lbs & 85,000 ft/lbs (dependent on tool size)
- Compatible with JAM/Torque Turn Units
- Designed to Prevent Dropped Pipe
- Eliminates Need for TRS Equipment & Personnel (no need for: Power Tongs, Stabber, Elevator, Bails)
- Most Versatile Tool on the Market